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Frequently Asked Questions
Why do you call this training "brain-based performance training?"
We call our program "brain-based" because that is exactly what it is. Everything we do is focused on the it works and how to enhance its functioning specifically related to improving hockey performance.
The brain is the primary target of everything that we do. Your brain runs your life. When it works well, your body works well, and your mind works well. It is the command center for all things...including athletic performance.
It is now common knowledge that the brain is like plastic in that it can change with some focused effort. This concept is known as "neuroplasticity." The brain not only can change, but it does change constantly. Everything you do, every thought you have, every emotion you entertain, the food your eat, the exercise you do, every movement you make...changes your brain.
The brain can change for the better or the worse. Our focus is to drive plasticity in the direction we want it to go. That is, in the direction of high level sports performance.
The most important thing an athlete can do is "build a better brain". When we find a deficiency in the brain, that is a brain that is not functioning well in some area...we look for ways to stimulate and challenge that specific area to make it work better.
Brains are like fingerprints. They are completely unique to every one of us. Our brains are the result of function, habit, and injury. We need to focus on the individuality of people in order to properly train their brain.
What is the cost for this program?
We have chosen to format our programs into 4 month chunks. The reason for this is that 4 months is a short enough time to make a commitment for change and it is a long enough time to see results. Changing the brain takes a focused effort, so practicing skills in appointments and between appointments is very important for how much gain you will get from working with us. One or two workouts at the gym won't get you in shape....neither will one or two appointments change your brain. Please contact our office for pricing.
What is included in the 4 months?
An initial assessment, which may take anywhere from 2-4 hours (done on one or two separate days), biweekly one-on-one appointments, and email contact in between appointments if desired.
What do you cover in your initial assessment?
The initial assessment is where we get the big picture of your strengths and weaknesses. We have specific areas that we directly assess, such as detailed aspects of vision and your balance system. We also assess your mental skills in areas such as confidence, focus, etc. All of the assessments we do have only one goal in mind...that is to locate and target those areas that will help you improve your game most in the given time we have.
What will we work on during our appointments?
We will work on the areas that we believe would help you make the most progress in your game. What we do will depend on what we find out about you when we do our assessments. For example, if we find that you have weaknesses with your vision then we will teach you specific drills to improve your sport vision. If we find that you have challenges with parts of your mental game we will teach you specific strategies to improve your mental game. We will choose drills and strategies that we believe will be the highest payoff for you at this time in your hockey career.
What will I work on between our appointments?
You will practice the drills and strategies we have taught you between appointments to increase your skill level so with each progressive appointment we can continue adding more and more value to your game.
Do you have advanced programs?
Yes, we offer and encourage those athletes who are interested in continuing to work with us to do so. Again, we find a 4 month block of time a good measurement to put in commitment and get results. After working with an athlete for the first 4 months we tend to have a list of skills that would continue to benefit the athlete to develop. This is the fine tuning stage where we really get into the elements of elite athleticism and continue to target weaknesses to improve and strengths to enhance even further.
Do you work with groups?
We are in the process of creating a group program where we take some of what we do with individuals and apply it to an entire team or subset of a team. What we currently cover in a group program is a focus on mental skills and mental training. The visual vestibular, and movement training is only done in the individual program.
Why do we enjoy working with hockey players?
The reason hockey is so important in our work is because Dean has been personally involved in hockey throughout his childhood, teens, and early adult years. Dean loves hockey. He loved to play hockey. He personally knows the victories and challenges of playing a team sport at a high level. He knows what it takes for an athlete to develop the kind of skill level, mindset, and perseverance necessary to compete and stay relevant at this level. Dean also enjoys assisting players in becoming more capable, confident, and competent people. Think of working with Dean as your own specialized long-term athletic development program that will help you to become a more capable, confident, and competent athlete.
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Phone: (780) 874-0335
Fax: (780) 874-0336
6209 - 44th Street
Lloydminster, AB T9V 1V8
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